Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Thank You

How great are God’s signs, how mighty his wonders! His kingdom is an eternal kingdom; his dominion endures from generation to generation. Daniel 4:3 (NIV)

Jesus says, “Do not be afraid, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.” Luke 12:32


I am thinking this morning of the last time I was on the receiving end of an extravagant gift...the last time someone gave me something that seemed overly generous. At first, it is actually an uncomfortable place to be, isn't it? We feel like we don't deserve it. We feel like we'll have to respond in a similar way. We feel embarrassed.

But those emotions are about us. It strikes me, as I read the passages above, that when an extravagant gift comes, those emotions are actually a little selfish. Over-the-top gifts usually come just because the giver wants to give them. There is no expectation of repayment in kind. There is no calculation about our worthiness to receive. The giver simply wants to give. In those moments, the emotions I listed above feel selfish.

I was once told that when someone wants to give you something (or wants to pick up the check for a meal, etc.) the most polite thing to do is simply to say "thank you." If you want to look for an opportunity to do something for them later, that's a different thing. But in the moment, simply say "thank you," and allow them to do the thing they want to do. This is the way to NOT make it about you.

The phrase that touches my heart in the above readings is "good pleasure." The magnificent kingdom over which God rules; the kingdom of peace and mercy; the kingdom of healing and wholeness...that kingdom is the most extravagant gift we can imagine...and God wants to give it. We can try to make it about us by turning this gift into a reason to focus on our unworthiness, but I think that is a strangely selfish move.

Today, may we be moved to gratitude as we look at all the ways we are blessed. And may our day begin and end with the simple prayer, "thank you."

We are reminded today of your transcendence and power. And we marvel that you, who are above all, make your home with us. Fill us with gratitude today. Amen.*

*Prayer adapted from the Moravian Daily Texts

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