Thursday, March 2, 2017

Already, Not Yet

My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. When shall I come and behold the face of God? Psalm 42:3

and not only the creation, but we ourselves, who have the first fruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly while we wait for adoption, the redemption of our bodies. For in hope we were saved. Now hope that is seen is not hope. For who hopes for what is seen? Romans 8:23-24

I remember well the day before my wedding. I remember the strange mix of emotions from that day; anticipation, anxiety, stress over the items left to do, excitement, exhaustion. In many ways, it was a GOOD day, but in many ways it was a HARD day.

It was an interesting feeling. For all intents and purposes, our lives were already united. We had already opened a joint checking account, so our money was together. We had a joint storage unit, so most of our stuff was together. Rings were bought. Deposits were paid. The apartment we would move into together just a week later was already waiting for us. We were basically married already. Except we weren't.

In church-nerd speak, theologians call this the "already-not yet" dynamic, and it is the place we live in as modern Christians. Christ has already been victorious over death, so its power has been broken. But we have not yet seen the full consummation of that promise. Love has already won, but we have not yet seen every source of hate defeated. Like me the day before my wedding, we live in this middle period, where we know the promise of what is coming, we have seen many glimpses and previews of it, we have enjoyed its beauty, but we have not yet lived in the full reality that's coming.

In many ways, the days we live are GOOD. In many ways, the days we live are HARD. But we have a promise that sustains us; a promise that already has changed who we are, even if the changes are not complete just yet. The language Paul uses in Romans is beautifully and painfully accurate; we groan inwardly while we wait for adoption, but we know that we are already claimed, and that the final papers making it official are about to be signed.

There are so many ways we live in the "already-not yet." As we wait for test results, as we wait to hear from a loved one, as we face daily challenges with the faith they will never have the final say, we are living in this middle period. But we know the promise holds fast.

Jess and I have been married almost 14 years. The wedding day was great, but living in the promise is better. May God fill us with hope, trust, and grace today as we yearn for the final fulfillment of the promises we know are true.

When darkness overshadows us, we cling to your mercy. When hopelessness pervades, we cling to your promises. We wait for you to come, dear Jesus. We place ourselves in your loving care. Amen.*

*Prayer taken from the Moravian Daily Texts

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