Friday, March 10, 2017

Building Today on the Rock

Jesus says: “Everyone then who hears these words of mine and acts on them will be like a wise man who built his house on rock.” Matthew 7:24


There's a lot of clay in the ground in Menomonee Falls, WI. Almost nine years ago, when my family and I were here searching for a house ahead of our move, we toured house after house that had cracked basement walls. The realtor explained to us that it is a common issue in the Falls, because of the high clay content in the soil.

This is the image that Jesus pulls out in Matthew chapter 7. One thing we often miss is how great Jesus was at avoiding the lofty religious language of his day and using everyday images to make the message understandable and applicable. Here, he simply says, "if you hear these words and act on them, you are building your life on a solid foundation."

As an idea, this sounds great. But I thought I would list for myself, and for you, the words he is referring to. What did Jesus just get done saying that he is referencing? What wisdom has he shared that can function like a solid foundation for us? 

Well, this verse comes right at the end of his famous "Sermon on the Mount." Here is a paraphrased summary of the foundation-wisdom on which we are encouraged to build our lives:

1. The commandment against murder means being careful not to even harbor anger or resentments against our neighbors.

2. The commandment against adultery means being careful not to even nurture lustful thoughts.

3. Do not respond to violence with more violence (turn the other cheek)

4. Love and pray for your enemies

5. Be secretly generous and prayerful

6. Don’t brag about your own holiness. This isn't about you.

7. Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

8. You cannot serve both God and wealth

9. Do not worry, but trust in God’s providence.

10. Don’t point out the speck in your neighbor’s eye while ignoring the plank in your own; be careful of judging others; it is a slippery slope to arrogance and blindness to your own faults.

11. In everything, do to others as you would have them do to you.

Notice Jesus isn't saying, "if you don't do these things, God will punish you." Jesus is saying, "these are guidelines for a healthy life."

So, here's my prayer for all of us today: May we ask God to remove anger and lust; may we be filled with the desire to make a difference and not need recognition to do it; may we invest our money and time in things that matter; may we be freed from worry; may we be humble, avoiding the temptation to judge others, and may we love others in the way we want to be loved.

This feels like a solid way to build the day ahead. And tomorrow, may the same prayer be on our lips.

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