Wednesday, March 15, 2017


My eyes are awake before each watch of the night, that I may meditate on your promise. Psalm 119:148

Mary treasured all these words and pondered them in her heart. Luke 2:19

There is a wisdom we seem to forget in our middle years...

Kids think it is perfectly fine to just sit and play. They are experts at "wasting" time doing something unproductive. Their default is not to watch the clock and make appointments; their default is to be fully present and engaged in whatever they are doing RIGHT NOW.

Most of my most "seasoned" friends and colleagues (those who are significantly older than I am) seem to have returned to this pace of life. They are better than I am at being still; at listening; at being fully present and engaged in whatever they are doing, and whoever they are with RIGHT NOW.

The "productivity" of our middle years, it seems, makes us forget these deep wisdom. Many of us rush from task to task or event to event...rarely pausing to be still.

Yet, when Mary was confronted with the message from the angel, she didn't begin rushing around getting a nursery ready. She pondered. The psalm writer talks about being awake and meditating on the promises of God.

Today, I am asking that God reconnect me (and you, dear reader) to this deep wisdom. May we learn from a child and be fully engaged in whatever we are doing right now. May we learn from those who are more adept at being still. May we make the choice now to pause today, recognizing the deep value of being still, even for a moment, and asking God to fill us with peace.

So, here's the challenge I am going to undertake today, and I would invite you to do the same; take three opportunities today to pause what you are doing, even if only for 30 seconds, take three or four deep breaths, and pray silently, "God, fill me with your peace."

There is deep value in being unproductive for a few moments to ponder and meditate the Love that gives us our very life and breath. May we all follow the psalmist's and Mary's lead, and be still to ponder today.

O Heavenly Father, remind us to pause within the busyness of our day, to feed our souls with your words of peace. For it is in those words that we find our strength, our hope and our purpose. Amen.

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