Thursday, September 8, 2016

Gratitude as fuel

Jesus said to him, “Go home to your friends, and tell them how much the Lord has done for you, and what mercy he has shown you.” Mark 5:19

Think of the last time you felt at peace.

Think of the last time you felt blessed and grateful for your life.

Think of the last time you sensed God's presence with you. (This one is sometimes a bit harder for us, so don't feel bad if this doesn't come right away...try to remember a difficult time that you made it through, or a time when you went from being afraid or anxious to at peace...)

These memories...of peace, blessing, and God's presence...these memories can spark in us a deep sense of gratitude for what God has done in our lives. 

In my experience, the daily rush often keeps me from contemplating how much God has done for me...and then I read passages like the one above and am just not sure where to start applying it to my life. The daily rush of activity, I think, is like a siren song that bids us to believe that it is all about us, and our abilities.

But when I take a moment away from the rush...when I sit and take time to be grateful, I realize again that I am so blessed. I realize again that all of the good things in my life are NOT my fault, as my daily schedule would have me believe. And the sense of gratitude that follows opens up a space in my heart to acknowledge God's actions.

However, I cannot live in these quiet moments forever. As I write this, there is a peaceful silence in my house...but I realize that in 11 minutes, it will be time for my son to get up and get ready for school, and the rush of the day begins.

It turns out, these peaceful moments of contemplation and gratitude center me for my daily life as a husband, father, and pastor. The sense of gratitude and acknowledgment of God's gifts are like fuel meant for my daily journey.

In the passage above, a man has just been healed, and wants to remain with Jesus. The story says that Jesus refuses the man's request to stay, but instead tells him, "go home to your friends...and tell them how much the Lord has done for you..."

Today, may you take time to be still; even 3 minutes...take time to cultivate gratitude. Then, in your words and actions, your life will show a genuine relationship with God. The passage above doesn't mean "be preachy, and drag your friends to church." It means "share with others how grateful you are."

May we all be grounded in gratitude today...

Precious Savior, your mercy is never-ending. Your blessings never cease. Inspire a deep sense of gratitude in us today, and turn that gratitude into a life centered in you. Amen.

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