Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Basking in the Light

By his bruises we are healed. Isaiah 53:5

Christ himself bore our sins in his body on the cross. 1 Peter 2:24

These passages from the Bible are brief, but powerful.

They give voice to one of the deepest truths about Christianity; and one of the truths that is most difficult to understand intellectually; that by entering humanity fully, God saved humanity fully.

By being like us in every way, by carrying brokenness, pain, sin, and shame to the cross, Christ defeated those things as he defeated death itself.

As I sit in silence this morning, I am realizing the limitations of human words. I am tempted to launch into an analogy or a story to make these truths make more sense...but instead, I feel moved to simply sit in silence with this truth: there is no part of me, or you, that is beyond God's love or salvation.

There are no hidden recesses of my soul, or yours, that would undo God's love in Christ; not the things we are comfortable with others knowing; not even the character defects that we expend so much energy hiding from others. Every part of me, and you, was carried to the cross...and so every part of me, and you, bask in the warmth of the Light.

Maybe, that's the visual image I want to walk with today; that of my dog sunning herself on the front steps in our house. May we have the courage today to bask in the warmth of Love, capital L, knowing that all of who we are is carried, redeemed, and infused with God's presence.

O Christ, you became vulnerable like us when you walked the lonely road to Calvary. Our sins became yours when you were raised upon the tree, and in your death we are redeemed. It is too awesome for us to understand, but may we persevere as we seek a deeper relationship with you. Amen.

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