Friday, November 18, 2016

Uncertain Prayers

The Spirit helps us in our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we ought, but that very Spirit intercedes with sighs too deep for words. Romans 8:26

Sometimes, silence can be a prayer.

We have this interesting idea that praying needs to be like what we see religious leaders do in front of others; crafted with beautiful words, delivered with a clear voice. Certainly, praying out loud with others is something that takes a little getting used to; but even there, the best advice is to simply be honest, and say what is on your heart.

I know many people who carry this image of a public, crafted prayer into their private prayer life as well. Many have told me they don't pray because they just don't know what to say. When I press them for what that means, I often end up learning that they expect themselves to have something profound to say, or at the very least that their prayer should be spoken out loud (even when alone), and that it should be articulate and beautiful.

However, if we look at the Bible, prayers come in all forms. Some of the most beautiful and honest prayers are in the Psalms, as the writer either shouts for joy, cries out in agony, or shakes a fist at the sky. Think of Jesus' words from the cross, where he is merely quoting Psalm 22: "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?"

Today, I am dedicating myself to finding five minutes of simply sit in God's presence. If you want to join me, find a few moments (even one or two minutes) where you can be alone, take deep breaths, and offer up whatever it is you are feeling to God.

One of the deepest truths I continue to re-learn over and over is that God cares for us exactly where we are. So often, we think we have to be, or look, or sound a certain way...but in a silent prayer with God, we can simply BE. If some words bubble up, speak them either in your mind or in your heart. If silence is all you can muster, trust the promise of the passage above. The Spirit breathes in you with sighs too deep for words...and you are never far away from God's presence.

Though things in our lives may sometimes be uncertain, help us to keep our hearts and minds focused on you, Holy Spirit. Be our guide this day as we face whatever comes our way. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.*

*Prayer taken from the Moravian Daily Texts

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