Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Subversive Holiness

I will manifest my holiness among you in the sight of the nations. You shall know that I am the Lord, when I bring you into the land of Israel, the country that I swore to give to your ancestors. Ezekiel 20:41–42

The gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable. Romans 11:29

"Calling" is a funny concept these days.

I have had many conversations with people that end with some version of this sentence: "Sure, you have a 'calling' pastor, but I just have a job..."

But, if the scriptures are to be believed, this isn't a true statement. I do, indeed, have a calling...but so do you...the person reading these words. That calling, along with the talents and gifts placed in you, are absolutely irrevocable.

The general shape of this calling is revealed in the first passage posted above. The idea that God chooses to make his holiness known in us is still stunning to me every time I think about it...but it is true. Together, we are called to live the ways of the revolution that began 2000 years ago on Easter morning. We are called to surprise people with the values of the upside-down kingdom Jesus ushered in.

What does this look like? It looks like kindness when you have every right to be nasty. It looks like forgiveness when you have every right to hold a grudge. It looks like treating those you encounter as though they really are as valuable as you are, even when you have been told by the talking heads to be afraid of those different from you. It looks like mustering love when it would be far easier to hate.

This is our calling, and it has very little to do with what pays our bills. The places we are that we call "work" or "family" or "retirement" or "college" - these are just the locations we have been called to act out these surprising, subversive Kingdom values.

So...as we begin this day...the question these scriptures bring up in my heart is...how will God's holiness manifest itself in me today? In what ways will I surprise others with grace, mercy, forgiveness, or love when they are expecting exactly the opposite? And can I surrender myself to God's calling so that others don't see me in that surprising grace...but God.

May we all be part of the subversive Kingdom of holiness today. Go surprise someone with grace, mercy, forgiveness, or love.

Your gifts to us are plentiful, dear Lord. Help us to use them to praise you and to show the nations that you are Lord of our lives. Amen.*

*Prayer taken from the Moravian Daily Texts

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