Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Who Sits Here Again?

With the judgment you make you will be judged, and the measure you give will be the measure you get. Matthew 7:2

We like to say we don't judge...but we do.

We like to say we are "colorblind"...but we're not.

We like to say we don't hold resentments...but sometimes, we all do.

One of the most subtle forms of judgment is when we identify for others how they are feeling. When we use the word "you" instead of "I," there is inherent judgment...and let's level the playing field here...we ALL do this from time to time.

This doesn't make it right, or helpful, this just makes it common. And in some ways, that's a beautiful thing because it unites our common need for forgiveness.

Today, my prayer for all of us is that rather that putting energy into denying our judgmental approach to others, we simply acknowledge it it there, and humbly ask God to remove this defect of character from us. As the reading above reminds us, our judgment of others affects them, and all those around us. It will return to us in the form of others judging us.

So, today let's pray for the person or group who we have the lowest opinion of. Post-election, do you still have biases against people who voted 'that way' (whatever 'that way' means for you)?? Do you have any biases against people who live in a particular area, have a particular skin tone, or income level? Is there a family member who you have serious issues with and have judged as a "problem"?? Let us all lay these judgments down; they are too heavy to carry.
God, remove from us the judgments we hold against others today. Help us to see them as you see them. Help them to see us as you see us. Free us from the need to appoint ourselves judge, jury, and executioner. Help us trust the one who truly sits on the throne; Jesus Christ our Lord! Amen.

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