Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Half Full? Half Empty? Wrong Question.

God does great things beyond understanding, and marvelous things without number. Job 9:10

From his fullness we have all received, grace upon grace. John 1:16

Would you call yourself a "glass half full" or a "glass half empty" kind of person?

We've all heard this question so much that it has become a cliche...something that when it was first said, was a creative and new way to think about things...but through overuse, has become tired and lost its meaning.

The scriptures assigned for today actually tell us, cliche or not, it's the wrong question to be asking. The glass simply isn't half full or half empty. It isn't even full. It's overflowing.

The Greek word translated in the John reading as "fullness" means "a copious amount." It has the connotation of something that is full to the brim; full to the point of overflowing.

Today, I am grateful for this reminder; that I don't start this day looking at a world or a life that is either half full or half empty...my world, my life is SO FULL it's overflowing.

I ate a good breakfast this morning. I chatted with a supportive and loving spouse before I left. I traveled in safety to my office, where I get to work with dedicated and passionate people who love God first and love the people of St. Luke dearly. I will have enough food for lunch. I will be warm even as the wind whips past my window. I will travel home to see my children and wrap presents for the extended family members who love us and support us in every way possible. Tonight, I will rest under the blankets that keep me warm and the God who keeps me breathing.

The phrase "God's love" becomes a cliche too when we use it too much...so let me just say it this way: GOD...who God IS...is overflowing in my life. Grace upon grace. Great things beyond understanding. Marvelous things without number. If only my eyes are opened and my spirit sensitized to see them.

May you know today that the glass isn't half full OR half empty. The glass is brimming. It's making a mess on the floor. Your life, and mine, are simply soaked with what spills over from God's Spirit.

And in just a few days...we will remember again the way God spilled over into the manger, on the cross, and into our daily lives.

I am so grateful today...for you, all those who read these words...because whether we know each other well or not, we are connected by grace upon grace. May that be the first word, the last word, and the final word about today. Heaven is spilling over on YOU today. May this thought bring you joy.

Creator, too often we are blind to the wonders of this world. We are your people of faith. Help us to see your wonder in the faces of everyone we meet. Amen.*

*Prayer taken from the Moravian Daily Texts

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