Wednesday, December 7, 2016


The grace of our Lord overflowed for me with the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus. 1 Timothy 1:14

I'm going to state the obvious. You can't overflow if you never fill up.

So, personal confession...plenty of days, I don't fill up.

Certainly, God's grace is poured out on me every day. Certainly, there are days when I am more receptive to it than others. And certainly, like everyone else, I am pulled in 1000 different directions most days.

But, one of the main lessons of my summer was that if I don't begin to observe some balance in my life, and begin taking the time to be still so I CAN be filled up, I will continue to miss out on the strength, peace, and joy that are offered.

Faith and love come when we are overflowing with God's grace. Overflowing comes when are still long enough to be filled. So often, we think that we will find life and meaning in our ever-filling schedules. We compete with each other, saying things like "you think YOU'RE busy...let me tell you about MY day!" It is almost as though we long to find our value and purpose in keeping ourselves busy.

But here's the beautiful truth...and we will be talking more about this on Sunday:

“Our work does not justify our existence. The earth will somehow continue to rotate on its axis even without our feverish activity, and God will still be in control. Who we are is more than the job we do."

So, my sincere suggestion, from one busy person to another: Take 2 minutes to breathe today. With each exhale, thank God for something you are grateful for. With each inhale, ask God to fill you with his love and grace. 

Then, repeat this as often as needed...until you overflow!

God, fill us with your mercy and grace, that we might overflow in love toward those you place in our path today. Amen.  

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