Tuesday, February 28, 2017

The Foundation

Let your steadfast love, O Lord, be upon us, even as we hope in you. Psalm 33:22

Jesus says, “Rejoice that your names are written in heaven.” Luke 10:20

Our world changes so rapidly now, I think it gives people an emotional version of whiplash.

With a 24-hour news cycle, in which cable news channels have to make every new story sound like it is 'breaking news,' we slip into a sensationalized, hyper-vigilant mode where it truly feels like the world is "going to hell in a handbasket."

However, I just don't believe this is true. We have access to more information now, so we know more than we ever used to about the terrible things that happen in the world. And the terrible things that happen are the only things that are sensational enough to draw big headlines and catch our attention. So, when that's all we hear, we end up feeling like those stories are telling the whole story.

It would be like if you had a child in your life who occasionally would act out and do naughty things. If you ignored that child every time they were playing quietly in their room, but only paid attention to the moments when the child was acting out, you would eventually end up with the assumption that he was just a "bad child." But I've never met a "bad child." I've met children who want attention. I've met children who want love and affirmation. I've met children who don't have the best role models in their life. But I've never met a "bad child."

This is what the information age has done to us. We are so constantly bombarded with information that there is too much to take in, so we wait until something extreme enough to catch our attention happens; and that means we are literally ONLY paying attention to the world when things are terrible.

As a pastor, I can tell you there are a MILLION beautiful moments in every day. There are a million moments where everyday people are doing incredible things for their friends, neighbors, and people they have never met. There are calls, prayers, tears, laughter, meals being brought, hugs, and so much more we never see because it just isn't sensational enough to capture our attention. In fact there is something beautiful about this...those things happen SO MUCH, every day, that they are in a sense "routine." They don't capture our attention because they are there all the time in the background.

God's steadfast love is like that. No matter what changes, there is Love. There is always Love. God is Love. That is like the foundation on which our lives are built. And sure, a board here or a board there may need to be taken down, or parts of the structure may need to be re-built from time to time. But the foundation is solid. It is love. Steadfast love that stands no matter what changes.

May your day be built on that; God's foundation of love for you, and for all people. And may we have the courage to build on that foundation with a million humble acts of love and service to others. Those things won't capture headlines, but they are closer to the "truth" than any headline will ever be.

God, we are humbled and in awe that you care for us by name. We respond with praise and rejoicing. As we feel this peace, may we also respond with love for ourselves and for each other. Forever in your care, we say Amen.*

*Prayer taken from the Moravian Daily Texts

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