Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Yes, You.

I myself will search for my sheep and look after them. Ezekiel 34:11
As Jesus passed along the Sea of Galilee, he saw Simon and his brother Andrew casting a net into the sea—for they were fishermen. And Jesus said to them, “Follow me.” Mark 1:16–17
Every young Jewish man studied the Torah (the first 5 books of the Bible). Some were good enough and went on to apprentice under a rabbi. Some didn't make the cut and returned to their family business doing things
So often, we put the disciples (and other Biblical characters) up on a pedestal; as though they possessed some character of faith we could never possess; as though they are more characters in a story than real, flawed people who lived as we do.
But this is a mistake.
Simon (who we will later call Peter) and his brother Andrew were regular, everyday guys. They were part of the crowd that didn't make the cut to continue studying under a rabbi. They weren't stunning scholars. As we learn later, they are often very slow to understand the point of Jesus and his ministry.
But Jesus sought them out...came on their turf...found them in the midst of their everyday lives, and called them to follow him as no other rabbi would dare to do. From the manger in a backwater town, to assembling followers considered "not good enough" by others, to breathing his last next to common criminals, Jesus' life and ministry brought God's love down to earth in a way that we simply cannot escape.
So often, we put pastors (and other church workers) up on a pedestal; as though they possess some personal characteristics that make them better suited to being a Christian full-time; as though they are something we could never be.
This is a mistake.
The problem with putting others on a pedestal is that in a strange way, it lets us off the hook. It incorrectly insinuates that they are capable of something we are not. But this is to actually ignore the image of God placed within each heart.
Today, as you go about your daily "grind," pause for a moment and recognize; it is exactly who you are at this moment that Jesus calls to follow; it is exactly where you are at this moment that is your context for ministry. As an imperfect follower of Jesus, you are uniquely suited to live out God's love for imperfect people in the situations you are in today; situations that I, as your pastor, am not in.
Today, you are the pastor. Today, you are the one following Jesus into all the imperfect places his love dares to go.
Thank you, my brothers and sisters in Christ, for allowing Christ to search for, and care for the world through your voice, your actions, your everyday life. Make no mistake; you are his disciples; and this rabbi will continue to call you to follow him using everything you already are.

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