Wednesday, August 31, 2016

The Wisdom of Childhood

Let the little children come to me; do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of God belongs. Mark 10:14

This is a popular verse...but the wisdom behind it is definitely not popular.

As I thought about this simple verse this morning, I found myself wondering what it is about children that makes them uniquely suited for the Kingdom of God. Why does Jesus say the Kingdom belongs to "such as these?"

When I think about the difference between adults and children, one word emerges in my thoughts...independence.

As children, we are dependent on those around us. We aren't afraid to ask for help, because part of our identity as children is that we need the adults in our lives. As we grow, we enter a time of our lives when we feel, more or less, independent.

And as I think about this today, I am reminded of a beautiful piece of wisdom shared by a comedian and speaker, Kevin Kling. (He is not well known, but members of St. Luke may know the name because I have a quote from him included in the signature line of all my e-mails).

Kevin Kling was born with one arm smaller than the other and disabled. Then, later in life, he was in a motorcycle accident that paralyzed his "good" arm. His sense of humor and depth is tangible when you hear him speak, and part of his strength.

His quote that comes to my mind this morning is: "If you are able-bodied, just remember that is a temporary condition." (He says this with a smile).

Indeed, there is deep truth in that. It is only for a middle period in our lives that we feel independent. We come into this world dependent on others, and if we are lucky, we leave in a similar way. (I say "if we are lucky" because that means we have lived a full, long life).

So, we are more obviously dependent on others for roughly a third of our lives. 

There is deep wisdom in those times...wisdom that sounds and looks like this:

Romans 8:26
Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we ought, but that very Spirit intercedes with sighs too deep for words.

Psalm 46:1
God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.

1 Peter 5:7
Cast all your anxiety on him, because he cares for you.

Today, I declare my dependence. I am a child of God. Loved beyond measure. Provided for. Never abandoned.

This Declaration of Dependence, I believe, is fertile ground for the Kingdom to grow in me...and in you.

God, help me to be still. Help me to cast my anxieties on you. Help me to come to you as a child, trusting in your love more than my own successes or failures. Amen.

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