Wednesday, August 10, 2016


May all who seek you rejoice and be glad in you. Psalm 40:16

As I read the passage above this morning, one word stuck in my mind. SEEK.

SEEK. It makes me think of the song I sang in Sunday School and at camp as a kid: "Seek ye first the kingdom of God...and his righteousness...and all these things will be added unto you...Allelu...Alleluia."

SEEK. It makes me think of the words from Jesus: "Seek and you shall find, ask and the door will be opened to you."

SEEK. It makes me we still seek God daily, so we can rejoice and be glad?

Those of us who attend church often, I believe, are in danger of feeling as though we have "found."  We are in danger of feeling comfortable with the little bit of time we spend in the Bible together each Sunday and not invest any of our own time in Bible study. We are in danger of thinking that the prayers we offer as a group on Sundays are enough for us.

But that's not active seeking. Sunday worship can make us rejoice and be glad, but only for an hour a week.

What would it look like to understand ourselves as lifelong seekers? To daily ponder a verse like the one above, even briefly; to daily pray, even with imperfect words; to daily seek, search for, and yearn for God...

What would it look like? Well, according to Psalm 40, it looks like rejoicing and gladness. I could use more of that...not just on Sundays, but every day.

God of joy, give us the courage to set aside a few moments each day to seek you, and find the joy you have in store for us. Amen.

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