Wednesday, January 11, 2017


The righteous know the rights of the poor. Proverbs 29:7

I do not mean that there should be relief for others and pressure on you, but it is a question of a fair balance between your present abundance and their need, so that their abundance may be for your need, in order that there may be a fair balance. 2 Corinthians 8:13-14

"Balance" is a word that strikes me as deeply necessary in our world, in our faith, and in our budgeting of our time and resources.

I also do not believe perfect balance is ever fully achieved. Just as the quest for perfection brings about much positive change, as long as you can accept that you will never actually achieve perfection, so the quest for balance can be an important impulse as long as we give up the idea that we'll ever achieve it completely.

Think of how a see-saw works. Because real life isn't a science experiment where we can control every variable, the two people are never exactly the same weight. One goes up for a while, and then the other one does. It's incredibly hard to achieve perfect balance, but with tiny constant corrections, you can get close.

I believe that is what we are called to in our faith...and what I am called to today; tiny constant corrections.

A few questions then come to mind:

Are there any corrections needed in the balance between my abundance and others' needs? Because both are constantly changing, I bet there are some corrections needed there.

Are there any corrections needed in the balance between what I "produce" and who I AM?

Are there any corrections needed in the balance between what I know to be right next and the wisdom of others?

Are there any corrections needed in the balance between our two political parties' ideologies and strategies?

It takes humility to admit that we'll never achieve perfect balance, but I believe that's a central part of being a follower of Christ; the humility to re-evaluate each day whether our lives and priorities are in line with who Jesus is and who he is calling us to be.

The questions I asked above no doubt apply to your life, and no doubt you have other balancing acts you are engaged in as well.

My prayer for us today is that we have the confidence in the Gospel, the forgiveness for others, and the mercy toward all (ourselves included) that allows us to make constant, tiny corrections in the quest for a holy balance.

So, dear reader...what corrections are needed for you today? I will pray God gives you the awareness, strength, and courage to make those corrections (as long as you will pray the same for me!)

God, open our eyes to where we are off-balance. If there is more we can do for those in need, give us the courage to do so. If there is more we need to do to find our strength in you, help us to say no to other things so we can do so. If we need humility, peace, or love for others, grant us those gifts. Give us the blessed assurance that, because your love never ends, we can continue to work toward a holy balance all the days of our life. Amen.

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