Tuesday, April 26, 2016

No slipcovers

Have you ever been to someone's house and come across an "untouchable" room? You know the room...it has white carpet, slipcovers on the furniture; you have to remove your shoes to even step in...

I don't know about you, but I'm just not very comfortable in rooms like that...
I'm just not comfortable in places that are too clean, even though I self-identify as a neat freak.


Because I know I'm not perfect...so if the space I'm in looks too perfect, I end up feeling like I probably don't belong there.

I'm OK with a couch that has a stain or two on it; because I know real life has stains.
I'm OK with some toys on the ground, or papers out of place, because I know my life is rarely perfectly organized.

My very first Sunday at my current call (almost 8 years ago now!), this was my first sermon. For the life of me, I can't remember the texts that led me to this theme, but I remember clearly that the theme was "No Slipcovers." 

We talked about how "perfect" we try to look on the outside, but that in the end, putting on our slipcovers keeps us from hearing God's grace where we really need it. If all you bring to church is the facade, it is only the facade that hears of God's refining judgment, mercy, grace, and love.

Today's text invites the same thought:
"Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account." - Hebrews 4:13

The thought that nothing is hidden is at once terrifying and freeing, because energy spent creating and maintaining a slipcover is energy wasted.

How freeing to be fully known, stains and all. Thank God for a King who doesn't mind imperfect furniture in his kingdom!

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