Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Sighs Too Deep For Words

Note: I offer today’s devotion recognizing that many in the Slinger/Allenton community are struggling with the loss of several young people in the last week. For those who know the Monday, Pezon, and Dobson families – our prayers are with you as they are with the families themselves.

There are many times in our lives when we find that our words fail us. Sometimes, the situations we encounter contain too much pain to know what to say. On the other hand, sometimes we are rendered speechless by overwhelming joy. Whatever the circumstance, we often find that our words fail us.

Ironically, it is also at these times of speechlessness that we often are most motivated to pray. When I think of my own experiences, I remember blurting out an inarticulate, "thank you!" through tears of joy the day my daughter was born. However, I also remember times of pain, when I desperately wanted to pray but had no idea what to say.

Thank goodness prayer doesn't require articulate speech (even thought we often think it does)! I have always loved this particular passage in Romans, precisely because it reminds me that prayer is much less like a conversation and much more like an intimate relationship. How comforting to know that even when (or especially when) our words fail us - it is at those times that God's own Spirit takes over, in sighs too deep for human words. Then, it is God's Spirit praying for us, through Christ, to the Father, and we become a part of the love-filled relationship between the persons of the Trinity.

Roberta Bondi has written an excellent book about prayer entitled "To Pray and To Love." In it, she reminds the reader often that prayer is simply about "showing up." There's no right way to pray, and no wrong way to pray. Instead, prayer is turning to God even when (or especially when) our words fail us, and sitting in the silence of that relationship, In that silence, we are reminded that everything we experience, and every emotion we have, takes place within a greater relationship with the one who calls us his beloved children.

Prayer: God who is love, help me to let go of my expectations about prayer and instead to turn to you whatever my emotions may be. Remind me today that you desire not conversation, but relationship. Amen. 

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