Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Send Jesus right over...


I loved the game “Red Rover” when I was a kid.

The other team would brace themselves, make sure they were holding on tight, and then they’d issue the invitation, “Red Rover, Red Rover, send Matt right over!” Off I’d fly, intent to break into their line, and into their sure defense.

Today’s reading contains the final words of the entire Bible. At the end of the New Testament, at the end of the book of Revelation, at the end of the last sentence – the last thing the Bible has to say about Jesus is an invitation. “Come, Lord Jesus!”

I hope we’re holding on tight.
I hope we know Christ is coming, intent once more on breaking into our world in the form of a baby; breaking through our sure defenses of self-sufficiency and pride.

In just a few days, we will celebrate again that our invitation to the divine never goes unanswered! Come, Lord Jesus!

Prayer: God of the manger, break through our defenses once more to show us the power of sacrificial love, and send us out to mirror that love to all we encounter. Amen.

1 comment:

  1. In Wisconsin, we played red rover on ice skates, along with crack the whip. Crack the whip was banned after someone had a run in with a ice skate blade and needed numerous stitches to the head. That ice is sure slippery.
    I enjoy your new blog.
