Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Your Memoir

I will recount the gracious deeds of the Lord, the praiseworthy acts of the Lord, because of all that the Lord has done for us. Isaiah 63:7
Indeed you have tasted that the Lord is good. 1 Peter 2:3
I believe we could all write a book.
Each one of us has literally thousands of stories, memories, experiences...and I believe they are every bit as interesting and rich as those who end up famous and write memoirs toward the end of their life.
Regardless of your age, you could write a memoir right now that would trace the path you have taken to this moment. At some points along that path, no doubt, there have been significant challenges. However, you have obviously overcome those challenges and made it to this moment...wherever you are as you read this. Your winding path led you here.
If you were to tell that story in its entirety, there would be more moments that you could recount in which things could have gone differently; could have taken a worse turn...and yet, by strength, determination, and God's grace, you have made it to NOW.
We don't often think to tell these stories, but when we do, it can spark profound gratitude in us.
So take a moment and begin that memoir now...
Can you think of a few moments when things worked out in your favor? A few times in which things could have gone much worse, but you were blessed to find the path you are on?
Listing these moments is the beginning of what the Isaiah passage calls "recounting the gracious deeds of the Lord." Indeed, as the writer of First Peter says, you have tasted that the Lord is good.
Today, may we remember the moments God provided a path forward when there seemed no path. May we be moved to gratitude as we recall the grace shown to us in the past; and may we be moved to courage facing what comes, knowing this memoir's not over. Maybe the unexpected grace you experience today will be a memory for you in years to come.

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