Monday, September 12, 2016

Kept & Watered

I am thinking this morning about the law of "cause and effect."

Nine months ago, there were many "effects" I was experiencing; loss of sleep, anxiety, ringing in my ears...

It turns out, these were all mere symptoms; none of these things were the problem itself...they were the effects. I now know the cause...and this knowledge was the greatest gift behind the sabbatical that was given to me this summer.

The cause was simply that I had exhausted all my resources. Every single one. I had been running with the throttle wide open for so many years, attempting to produce, perform, and prove to everyone (most notably myself) that I was worth something.

I know this is raw...but that's the deep, brutal truth in my life. I was busy "producing," and didn't make time to be rooted in the Source of Life.

I share this deep, personal realization in the hope that you may relate...because I believe my struggle with this is far from unique.

We have all been raised in a culture that values us based on what we produce. At work, many of us have our futures decided by performance reports. At home, many of us struggle to meet the illusive and unrealistic expectations of being "super mom" or "super dad" or "super spouse" or whatever other expectations we think are out there.

Some have grown to a deep enough place in their faith and in their life to realize that this is a farce...that we are valuable, lovable, and "worth it" regardless of how we measure up to others' expectations. But I am still growing into this truth...and I'm willing to bet that most of you reading this are still growing into it as well.

All of these thoughts this morning stem from the scriptures I read in my first waking moments:

I, the Lord, am the vineyard’s keeper; every moment I water it. I guard it night and day so that no one can harm it. Isaiah 27:3

My Father is glorified by this, that you bear much fruit and become my disciples. John 15:8

Maybe it's important for us to remember today who guards and keeps the vineyard.
Maybe it's important to remember that we are watered with grace truly every moment.
Maybe, if we aren't feeling particularly "fruitful," that is merely a symptom that we are not rooted in the Source of Life.
Maybe, the most important thing we can "do" today is take this moment to be grounded in the One who values us regardless of what we produce. Ironically, knowing we are valued regardless of our fruitfulness...makes us more fruitful...

And why? Because we are then connected to a Source that's not dependent on us, and never runs out.

So take a moment, and re-read the Isaiah passage. Read it again. Let the truth of these words wash over you. You are guarded. You are watered. No one can harm the "you" at the center...

Knowing this, not just with our heads, but with our may the fruits of God's blessings come to us and through us today... Amen.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting this, Matt. I also have noticed some times of burnout in ministry. As people called to lead others spiritually, I think it's vital that we recognize burnout, name it, and address its causes and cures. Thanks for leading the way, and pointing us back toward God!
