Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Divine, Fierce Passion


Is the Bible one book, or a collection of many books?

The answer: Yes.

There is a rich story behind every book of the Bible and why it was ultimately included in the collection we now call “The Bible.” Some books were written as moment-by-moment historical accounts. Some were written as biographies (the Gospels). Some songs were included. Some teaching stories, like parables, were included. There was even some love poetry that got included.

The above reading is from the book “Song of Solomon,” which is Hebrew love poetry. It is a love song between two young lovers. At first glance, you might wonder why it is included in a Holy Book.

But…what is human love but an imperfect reflection of the love that spoke the world into existence? What is passion between young lovers but a faint echo of the passion that God felt for us most powerfully on the cross? If human love is powerful, and we know it is…divine love is more powerful still.

So, the people of God have claimed this love poetry as part of their scriptures because it is an example of the love God has for God’s people. And notice it’s not just a warm-fuzzy love, like we often like to think of it…it is as strong as death (and stronger!)…as fierce as the grave (and fiercer!). It is a raging flame.

May you be consumed by that flame today…so much so that you can’t help but go out and set the world ablaze with this fierce, strong love from above.

Prayer: Loving God, you are the source and ground of all that is, including the passion and love we feel. Help us to know that we can love because you first loved us…and transform our hearts so that we may more perfectly mirror your divine care. Amen.

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