Wednesday, October 14, 2015

For all who call St. Luke home

"I do not cease to give thanks for you as I remember you in my prayers..."
Ephesians 1:16

I am feeling profoundly grateful tonight...

...grateful for you, the ones reading this post.

...grateful for the people of St. Luke, and all the ways you have allowed yourself to be "used" by God.

...grateful for volunteers disciples who spend late nights at church rehearsing music, inspiring kids, planning budgets, vacuuming floors, baking pizza, running microphone cords, planning service days; all so the world might know that God cares by watching His people care.

Why am I grateful for you? Because I get to see the effects of your ministry.

I get to see the man strengthened who needed to know he wasn't alone.
I get to see the woman who will avoid homelessness because of your generosity.
I get to see the piles of materials donated by you that will be distributed to the community this Saturday at Operation InAsMuch.
I get to see a room full of 9th graders who are convinced God can use them in the world because you taught them by example.
I get to see all the ways the community is touched by St. Luke's presence.

You have allowed the Spirit to flow through the "institution" of the church in a way that touches lives, impacts a community, and changes hearts.

I am convinced the Church MATTERS.
That's just another way of saying YOU matter, followers of Christ.

So tonight, I want to say THANK YOU.
If you have greeted, sang, led youth, prayed, loved, served, or supported...I am grateful for you.

You are part of a world-wide, revolutionary movement of love.

THANK YOU, for allowing God's love to flow through you. It is an honor to be your pastor.
Don't ever doubt the difference you are making.

-Pr. Matt

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